A Message From the Artist

I wanted to create an online print shop with the images I have created while traveling the world. The reason for this is, mainly, to create an emotional connection between my work and the viewer. I long to create images that make people feel something. I want my artwork to help people feel that they are in the image, almost able to hear, see, smell and feel the presence of that place as if they were standing there on their own two feet. For those who long to travel, for those who appreciate the unique architecture offered in different cities, or for those who simply enjoy appealing images of nature, my print shop is offered.

Why Shop Alyssa Marie?

I created a print shop with my work from around the world so people could have unique artwork hung in their homes. Do you purchase cliche, mass produced wall art from big name retailers? Avoid filler art that everyone else has who shops at those same stores. Give your home a unique feel with the touch of an artist and fill your walls with artwork that tells stories. With a wide range of images of landscape, architecture and nature from around the world, you can parooze my work and choose for yourself which image stands out to you.

Why Print?

Once an image transforms into print, it comes to life. Not until an image is printed can we truly begin to appreciate it for the artwork that it is. Would you rather Facetime your family and loved ones, or see them in person, gathered around a fire and enjoying the living and breathing version of their presence? A fine art print framed and hung on the wall begins in that very moment, the life of the image, allowing its story and legacy to follow.

The Spiritual Piece

I have come to not only understand, but to know deeply in my bones that God is present everywhere. Omnipresence is the term used to define this concept. God exists and is alive within my very own heart and soul. He is also present in all places of the world - every city, every street corner, under every waterfall, within the gusts of wind from above the mountaintops. Feeling His presence requires, to some degree, self mastery of the mind. To achieve a state of inner silence and deep presence, we have to muster up the mental willpower to shut out all distraction and all attachment to the ego, aka meditation. With much practice in my past, I have achieved this state many times over and have been brought to tears in feeling the presence of God’s love. A meditative state can be achieved even while awake and alert, walking around from city to city, while we are working in our jobs, doing the dishes, etc. While traveling, however, I am usually in a state of awe and such heightened bliss that achieving this state of deep inner peace is almost effortless, and this is the state by which I capture the images of what I see before me. Naturally so, there is a piece of God’s manifestation in every image of mine. The omnipresence of God was felt quite strongly by my soul, and when I looked out into the luscious green mountains of Switzerland, or I walked along the cobblestone streets of Italy, I could feel the connection between my state of awe and God’s presence before me. Portraits of God, perhaps I can go so far to say, are what I believe is reflected in my worldwide landscape and environmental photography.

Looking Ahead: Work with Alyssa

I want to serve people who have an emotional connection to locations either locally or spread throughout the world. As humans, we associate memorable moments with the location of where the moment occurred. The ice cream shop in Nashville where you and your husband had your first date suddenly nestles itself into your heart. The small town outside of Naples where you were vacationing with family and found out you were pregnant is a small town permanently pressed into your memory. Pivotal moments in places create emotional bonds to those places. As a landscape photographer I want to travel to the destination of your choice and create a gallery of images customized to your preferences. The images in the gallery are thereby transformed into living artwork that can be hung on the walls of your home and be passed down in the family for generations. 

Let's Chat!

Where is your favorite place that you've ever traveled to? Do you have any places with special emotional attachments? Does the artwork in your home need a revamp? Ponder these questions, and let's have a conversation! I love getting to know my followers and my readers more, so don't be shy and reach out to me! :)